

6 June, 2024

Donation secures extra safety layer

A GENEROUS donation will heighten the safety of patients at Terang and Mortlake Health Service (TMHS).

By wd-news

A generous donation: Terang and Mortlake Health Service (TMHS) Ladies Auxiliary president Bernadette McKinnon (left) learned more about the new Optiflow THRIVE system from TMHS perioperative nurse Jade Danby, which the hospital was able to purchase thanks to a $5000 donation from the auxiliary.
A generous donation: Terang and Mortlake Health Service (TMHS) Ladies Auxiliary president Bernadette McKinnon (left) learned more about the new Optiflow THRIVE system from TMHS perioperative nurse Jade Danby, which the hospital was able to purchase thanks to a $5000 donation from the auxiliary.

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